Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ohhhhhh I just love this little girl!!!! she said mama her 1st word. She Loves to stand up. I told Rob, we should crawl around the house, so she knows that is the next thing to do. She just gets cuter and cuter!!! Rob is starting up in Glacier again this summer but working on the other side with my cousin (Dustin as his boss). So for our little familys sake we decided to put our house up for sale and buy something in Montana. He works close to kalispell,Montana. So hopefully it will all work out. Were excited for this new adventure! Hope you will all come visit!!! Mom and dad are leaving for Calbo Friday and im soooo jealous. Its so cold here and I want to be laying in the sun. well be there next year ,right Rob? have fun!!

1 comment:

Leslie and Jaron said...

cute pictures! wish you were coming too in April! leslie